Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Horseback Riding, Kung Fu...and the Penny Whistle

Just an update on practice session my car.  The only pockets of time I could find to practice were right before my horseback riding lesson and then Kung Fu.   I'm not sure whether or not the horses heard me hit those notes only dogs can hear.   In the parking lot outside the Kung Fu school I prayed that no one would see/hear me while my Loreena McKennit cd played in the background so I didn't have to listen to myself screech away on my instrument.  I was in the car for over an hour yesterday, so I made sure I sang the whole time to rebuild the vocal flexibility I had in high school.  No one did see me, at least I don't think.  I have 20 minutes right now, so I might go down to the car in my pjs and practice. 
The outlook?  Not as grim.  I can now make a decent sound on the god-forsaken instrument and have started practicing some Irish jigs.  I knew those 7 years of oboe lessons would come in handy some day.  Today is that day.
Oh, and yesterday Pepper and I went to the library to find some songs.  We found hundreds.  Although we've chosen two, we need still need to find one more.  We plan on having 20 songs ready by the time we hit the road: 5 fun ballads, 5 romantic songs, 5 drinking songs, and 5 jigs.  Savy, right?--Jaenelle