Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Brilliance of a Good Daydream

My mother always taught me that life was about experiences. This spurred me to travel around the world, bungee jump off of bridges and climb into lion cages, however I have yet to experience the mystical space known as "The Renaissance Faire."

I can't deny it, I'm excited. Here is an opportunity to spend the summer as a hippie, embark on a Great American Road Trip, and meet some of the most interesting people in the United States. I plan on sleeping in my car, showering little, scrimping on food and start incorporating the words "thee" and "thou" into my daily vocabulary. Consider this a sociological experiment on what three recent college graduates can do with their higher education.

I can already tell that I will probably regret this decision financially, yet the possibilities of the open road call to my Provo-laden soul. I can't help but consider that if we can't make this renaissance career work, I'll probably end up spending my summer checking printers for paper. I keep thinking that 30 years from now, my fellow musicians and societal rebels will meet up and reminisce about that crazy summer we spent. I know my future children will be appropriately impressed.

Already the plans are starting to come together. We've emailed several different Renaissance Fairs asking for contact information, put together lists of songs to rehearse and started to plan out a route. We've even put together potential packing lists and are thinking about the logistics of sleeping in a car during the middle of summer.

I'm about doing. And we're going to do this. Get excited people, this summer is going to be legen-dary. In a Elizabethan kind of way. --Pepper

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