Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Why You Never Quit Your Day-Job

True to our promise, we are sacrificing our dignity on the alter of entertainment to make your day a little brighter...or at least your appreciation for music a little greater.  This is a documentary of sorts, recording our epic first rehearsal.
Don't be fooled by the oh so casual language.  This is so embarrassing and I might never live this down (I can't speak for the other two members).  --Jaenelle
P.S Am now eating large quantities of chocolate to reclaim self esteem.

If you can't get the video to work, here is a link.  


  1. Jaenelle, you look so pretty! Your hair is getting so long!

    You guys weren't so bad, especially for the first practice! And the harp both sounds and look cool. Pretty song. You guys will get there for sure.

    Where do you get your songs? Going to write any of your own?

  2. We got our songs from the library archive. I did write a song, it still needs put to music...someday. Thanks for the support!--Jaenelle
