Wow. So they say Rome wasn't built in a day, yet it's incredible how fast things are moving on this project. We've already heard back from the Pittsburgh Renaissance Fair, one of the biggest in the United States and they've said that they would love to hear a demo CD from us. This fact really excites me, though maybe just for the pure fact that within the next month I'll be making a demo CD and sending it out to people! Just think, a demo CD, doesn't that just sound legit?
Also, we've (well just me actually) managed to ACCIDENTALLY purchase harp. Yup, that's right accidentally. Here is some wisdom I acquired yesterday--read everything on ebay before typing in numbers. So apparently there is this thing on ebay where you can either "buy it now" or put in your best offer, meaning that instead of competing against other buyers you simply submit an offer to the company for what you'd like to pay for the item. Unbeknownst to me, if they accept your offer, you've basically just purchased the item.
So I submitted an offer on a small Celtic harp on ebay and the next morning received an email saying, "Congratulations, now pay us our money." Therefore, a harp is now speeding across the 50 states (all the way from Florida I might add) to land at my doorstep in about a week. I've yet to try the harp, so here's hoping it sounds good. It has 22 strings (three octaves) and stands about 3 feet tall.
As is the custom among myself and various members of my family, I'll probably end up naming my new little toy and I'd welcome any suggestions for names anyone might have. I've included a picture of the item in question for your inspiration.
Also, just an update on the blog itself. The girls and I have been overwhelmed by the amount of people who think that our Summer proposal is, simultaneously the most ridiculously awesome thing they've heard about (at least this week), so in the spirit of maintaining that, we'll be doing our best to upload as many interesting things to this site. Soon to come, videos of our music and of us rehearsing (which is sure to be hysterical), pictures of the group, and even images from the playing card-centered theme merchandise that Aspen is creating (I've seen some of it, and it's great).
So basically this post is merely to inform you all that I couldn't be more surprised about how quickly my silly idea has taken off, ergo, our Rome (the band) being built in a day.
Oh and incidentally, in response to some questions we've received about pronunciation of the band name, it goes like this (A-ode). We chose it since Aoide was the Greek muse of song.--Pepper